



In late 2012, the KwaZulu-Natal Free State Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists wanted to revise the isiZulu book which has a collection of hymns used for evangelism. It had never been revised since its inception. When that failed in 2013, P.T. Khumalo consulted with Mr. M. Madonsela to contribute positively to the merged church at our Conference level. We noted that the African Seventh-day Adventists have never had a hymnal in their language since this church was founded in Africa. Instead of bemoaning Apartheid, we embarked on this mountainous Hymn translation project, armed with no huge bank account but with FAITH that IT CAN BE DONE. We then approached the chairperson of the failed project Pastor A.N. Nzimande and informed him of our vision which he bought without any hesitation in 2013. The project has ever since been funded by P.T. Khumalo his family and very generous friends who are sold to the vision and mission of this project.

Project Activities

  • Printing the hymnbook
  • Marketing it
  • Sponsoring Hymn singing festivals
  • Dedicated choir for sampling the hymns
  • Expanding the hymnody project to other languages
Our Impact Goal of Hymnody Project

The project is aimed at unifying the Seventh-day Adventist church, that it truly be ONE CHURCH singing from the same hymnal and the same tune. This is a legacy we are passing on from our generation to the young Seventh-day Adventist members in Africa, South Africa in particular.

Helping People

We hope that when our members and those coming after us sing these hymns, they will not feel ashamed expecting a pity from those who sing from the whole hymnbook of the same church, (as currently is the case) but as equals will also join in singing in their own language. This will make the said church to be truly a global movement, which she is.

Other Aspects of This Resource / Project

The KwaZulu-Natal Free State Conference should see herself as a trail brazier igniting the pride of self-worth as African members of this global movement. More and more Conferences should unite with us in having their church hymns in the language of the people they serve.

We are looking forward to the training of local artists within the church to teach church members how to sing these hymns like Seventh-day Adventists sing them.


We pride ourselves with the state-of-the-art software to do the hymnbook. Notes are electronically translated to what our people can read effortlessly.
We have our very modern website, Zoom facilities App for digitally accessing the hymnal and the word of mouth.

We have the KNFC backing the project, ensuring that every church within is spheres and beyond is reached.  The churches are being conscientized of the project as we speak through “Hymn Singing festival” that is ongoing and is projected to run for the next five years.  Other means and platforms are being designed to familiarize churches of this new project.

KwaZulu-Natal Free State Conference Music Department, District pastors, church choristers and our dedicated youth are hands-on on this project.

KwaZulu-Natal Free State Conference Music Department, District pastors, church choristers and our dedicated youth are hands-on on this project. We also house technicians to offer online support to the digital hymnal app.

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